V času od 17. do 21. junija 2024 bomo izvajali tečaj CEH - Certified Ethical Hacker. Ob tej priložnosti bo skupaj s predavateljem prispela na obisk v Slovenijo tudi skupina osmih vrhunskih varnostnih
ekspertov, ki je specializirana za varnostna testiranja in ocenjevanje ranljivosti podjetja. Poleg izjemnih referenc, vrhunskih kompetenc je še posebej zanimiva tudi cena, ki jo nudijo.
- 5-dnevne varnostne storitve z ekipo treh vrhunskih mednarodno certificiranih strokovnjakov za 2.500 EUR oz. 167 EUR strokovnjak/dan.
- V primeru nakupa NLT korporativne naročnine je za nove naročnike storitev BREZPLAČNA!
Nabor storitev v polnem paketu 5-ih dni s 3 strokovnjaki na lokaciji:
Top-Notch Penetration Testing
Our Penetration Testing methodology is based on a lot of manual test cases and scenarios that are not covered by security tools. Our pentest activities are supported by automated tools, but we do not rely on them, as most people do. We test as the real hackers do – with creativity.
Smart Contracts Security Testing
The NIS directive applies to EU-based operators of essential services within 7 sectors (Energy, Transport, Water Distribution, IT Infrastructure, Financial Infrastructure, Banks, Health Sector). It also takes in consideration digital service providers, such as search engines, cloud services, and domain name providers. We are here to help you become NIS-compliant.
Cloud Security Assessment
During a cloud security assessment, we evaluate and test your organisation’s cloud infrastructure to ensure that your data is safe from modern cyber security threats and risks. Our team carries out procedures designed to identify potential points of entry within your organisation’s cloud infrastructure, analyse the network for evidence of exploitation, and define approaches that prevent future attacks.
NIS Audit
The NIS directive applies to EU-based operators of essential services within 7 sectors (Energy, Transport, Water Distribution, IT Infrastructure, Financial Infrastructure, Banks, Health Sector). It also takes in consideration digital service providers, such as search engines, cloud services, and domain name providers. We are here to help you become NIS-compliant.
Reference, podrobne podatke o strokovnjakih, NDA dogovor itd. posredujemo na podlagi povpraševanja.
Za povpraševanje se obrnite na Urban Turk (01 / 568 40 40).
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